Offering all modalities of kidney care to patients with any form of kidney problem.
Note that SKC offer almost exclusively HDF rather than HD.This has been shown to have a 23% improvement in mortality over HD alone
(Blankestijn, P. J., Vernooij, R. W. M., Hockham, C., Strippoli, G. F. M., Canaud, B., Hegbrant, J., Barth, C., Covic, A., Cromm, K., Cucui, A., Davenport, A., Rose, M., Török, M., Woodward, M., & Bots, M. L. (2023). Effect of Hemodiafiltration or Hemodialysis on Mortality in Kidney Failure. New England Journal of Medicine, 389(8), 700–709.