Oculoplastics, Orbital, Lacrimal and eyelid Surgery (Adult and pediatrics)
Orbital and periocular tumours
Lacrimal drainage diseases and tumours
Routine and complex eyelid reconstruction Congenital, acquired and traumatic)
Lacrimal gland diseases
Pediatrics and Starbismus
Routine and complex Strabismus surgeries – this includes adult squint surgeries
Pediatric glaucoma surgeries
Pediatric emergencies: ROP screening at Corniche Hospital 1 day per week (16-25 babies) / inpatient consultation for pediatric age group to rule our systemic ocular association)
Ophthalmology residency program
Two residents per year (total of 12 residents)
Very well structured residency program with 6 gradutes
One of them is already a consultant
5 awaiting their consultant license (within the next 5 years)